FWD Feature: Nikki Lynette, Lynette the Threat, Artist, Playwright


FWD Collective is excited to announce that Nikki Lynette has joined the speaker roster for our Chicago Summit on September 12th 2019! Nikki will be sharing insights on a panel AND doing a live performance!

We had the pleasure of connecting with Nikki to ask a few questions!

What does diversity, equity, and professional inclusion mean to you?

Life is diverse, people are inherently equal, and the professional landscape should reflect that. These things are normal, and the fact that reality doesn’t reflect that is abnormal.

How have you experienced and/or dealt with adversity in your professional and personal life?

My mental breakdown impacted my personal and professional life in ways I never could have foreseen. I lost everything. That adversity informs all of my work now. My music and art are fueled by my mental health advocacy. I don’t see it as turning a negative into a positive. I am living with a mental illness, so for me it’s just embracing reality holistically.

What would be one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
I’d tell myself to get past my imposter syndrome. It was one of my biggest hurdles and it slowed me down.

Name three things that you do everyday to help lead you to success.
Eating, sleeping, and drinking water. Self-care is the foundation of everything I’m working to achieve, it’s the foundation of mental wellness.

Who inspires your professional ambition? Why?
I’m inspired to connect with people who suffer from mental health issues, because it’s my reality as well.

What is your favorite book? Or the one you'd recommend most?

The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

What are the top three things we should know about your business or company?

As an artist, I just want to help normalize conversations around mental health, tell my story, and let people who suffer know that they aren’t alone.

Anything else you'd like to highlight or think we need to know?

Upcoming gallery exhibit for Suicide Awareness Month on September 20th 2019.

Connect with Nikki: Facebook | YouTube | Instagram | Twitter | Nikki's Website


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